about skorched creative
Hi. Thanks for being here.
My name is Rick Tracewell and I'm the founder of Skorched. There's no big story behind the name Skorched. I spelled the word "scorched" with a "k" and got a short domain out of it. That's about as deep as it goes.
My career in small business marketing (and everything that comes with it) began in 1990. My forté has always been creative marketing. I’m an idea guy to my core.
Four years later, I heard about this “new” thing called the Internet. I dove in head first (there were zero books to use as a floatation device) and quickly became one of the first known web designers in the Silicon Valley area of California, but not for long. In the first year, I traveled around the country giving seminars on small business and what the Internet was all about. I wrote books on Internet marketing, HTML (specifically for Microsoft's browser...and the rest of the world), co-wrote books and authored several web-related columns in large industry magazines (at the time).

Skorched clients from the mid to late 1990s
After that, I was in more of an executive position with an emphasis on SEO, Web Design, and Marketing. I was in the business, but not nearly as hands-on as before. The actual work began to pass me by.
Fast forward to recently when I made a big decision. My passion is to help small businesses, not huge faceless, thankless corporations. Many small companies have been trudging along with "business as usual," virtually unaware that almost everything having to do with their website and its place in the search engines – specifically Google – has changed. Especially in the past 4 to 6 years.
It has now become very technical to keep up with Google's search engine algorithm. If small businesses do not make the needed changes to their website and online presence, they will no longer have a way for new customers to find them. That's not hyperbole.
I can help.
I believe that we simply need to speak to them in plain English FIRST. No techno-babble. No ridiculously long lists of things they need to do every single day. No endless, ballooning budgets. That would freak anyone out.
The first step isn't to place more ads on Google or Facebook. The first step is to get their website up to par. These businesses will need an online foundation to start.
I want us to build the foundation together and see how that process goes. I believe that they'll be very happy with the results. Almost immediately, actually.
My goals are the same as they were in 1990; Help hard-working small business owners who want to grow their sales…and profit. We’ll work together. I’ll listen, they’ll listen. We’ll make positive things happen together.
If you are a business owner seeking some straightforward guidance and help, let's talk. Talking is still free.
I’m looking forward to it.